Athletic Director Message

Reasons for being on an Ambassador Christian School athletic team:

  1. Build Strong Relationships- Students that are on a team together, go through the struggles and challenges of their sport together. This builds connections which can be an encouragement no matter what situation students may find themselves in, and last a lifetime.

  2. Strive to be a Champion- Ambassador students compete against other students both in practice and in games.  This drive to work hard and improve physically and mentally builds champions who can succeed in any endeavor. 

  3. Traveling with the Team- Being together with other students whilst traveling to games can be a chance to socialize and visit new places. The varsity sports experience is like nothing else, and this time together amongst peers, talking and fellowshiping is a great way to build new friendships. 

  4. Get to Know Coaching Staff- As a Christian school, one of our primary goals is to mentor and encourage students to know God better. The first way we do that is through the example set by our outstanding Coaches.  Building a relationship with your athletic coach can be a life altering experience, and a means of encountering a mentor who impacts you forever. 

  5. For The Team- Learning to be a teammate develops a selfless attitude in students. By striving to put forth maximal effort for the team's sake, student athletes grow to understand the selfless love Jesus describes in John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Athletic Director

Coach Morris

Chris Morris is the Athletic Director at Ambassador Christian School for the 2024-25 School year. Mr. Morris is a lifelong runner who first found a love of fitness and athletics during his military service. He firmly believes that a sound body and a sound mind are deeply connected, and he loves the maturity and fortitude that sports develop. As both a coach himself, and the overall supervisor for the school's athletics program, he emphasizes "showing up" as the first step to success in both life and in competition. Mr. Morris is ecstatic about the upcoming year, and cannot wait to spend time growing in the Lord with the coaches and athletes at Ambassador.